Dual Language

Oakley Elementary School will offer the Dual Language program in two kindergarten classes for the upcoming school year.  Call June Stewart at 274-7515 to enroll your rising kindergartner in our Dual Language program. 

Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now open and close May 15th.

Click here to apply now for 2025-2026!

¡Presione el enlace para la aplicación 2025/2026!

What is Dual Language/Spanish Immersion?

Dual Language is a form of bilingual education which uses two languages, Spanish and English, for literacy and content instruction.

BCS offers a Dual Language/Spanish Immersion Program in all six districts, grades K-5. A continuum of extended language acquisition opportunities is available, grades 6-12.

According to research findings, it takes 5 to 7 years to acquire academic language in a second language (Collier and Thomas, 2012). Time and consistency are key.

Dual Language Immersion Overview (Courtesy of Participate)

K-5 Dual Language Program Models

The One-Way/Full Immersion Model implemented at Candler, Glen Arden and N. Buncombe primarily serves native English speakers.

The Two-Way Model implemented at all other BCS Dual Language schools serves classes consisting of approximately 50% native English speakers and 50% native Spanish speakers.

The percentage of content delivered in English and Spanish varies by grade level.

Dual Language Program Benefits

  • Prepares students to live and work in a global society

  • Fosters bilingualism and biliteracy

  • Creates enhanced awareness of cultural diversity

  • Enhances academic achievement

Our Schools

The Dual Language/Spanish Immersion program is offered in all BCS districts at the following schools:

  • Avery's Creek Elementary

  • Candler Elementary

  • Eblen Intermediate

  • Enka Intermediate

  • Glen Arden Elementary

  • Koontz Intermediate

  • North Buncombe Elementary

  • North Windy Ridge Intermediate

  • Oakley Elementary

  • W.D. Williams Elementary

  • West Buncombe Elementary

A Dual Language Continuation Program is currently offered at the following schools:

  • AC Reynolds Middle School

  • Cane Creek Middle School

  • Eblen Intermediate

  • Enka Intermediate

  • Koontz Intermediate

  • North Windy Ridge Intermediate

  • Owen Middle School


“It feels good because I get to be in a program where you get to learn another language that can make you better. It also feels good because your teachers come from very far away just to teach you and make you a better person. It is a great class and great to know my classmates so well since we have been with each other for 6 years.” ~student

“This is my third year teaching Dual Language to 2nd graders. I am amazed at their ability to speak in Spanish, comprehend everything I say and their ability to read and write in Spanish by the time they get to me! … These children are already bilingual! I love my job!” ~ teacher

“My fourth-grade daughter told me the other day, ‘I can't remember a time that I didn't know Spanish, and now it is so easy.’ She is proud of her Spanish and uses it whenever she can… While she has been learning Spanish, she also is excelling in English. This program is helping me raise a bilingual child ready for our global world.” ~parent

For more information, please contact:

Monica Ponder
Director of Elementary and Intermediate Education

Millie Stubbs
Dual Language/World Languages Specialist


Overview of the BCS Dual Language/Spanish Immersion Program-English

Overview of the BCS Dual Language/Spanish Immersion Program-Spanish

BCS Dual Language Progression by District:

Dual Language/Spanish Immersion FAQ for Parents

Benefits of a Bilingual Brain Infographic
(Courtesy of Participate) (English and Spanish)

View more information about NCDPI Dual Language/Immersion.

View Participate's blog post link

"At Avery's Creek Elementary, the Dual Language Spanish Immersion Program enriches more than just the students enrolled—it positively impacts our entire school community. Not only does the program cultivate bi-literacy skills with the students enrolled, it also fosters cultural appreciation and global awareness across the school building. Our international teaching staff bring diverse perspectives and experiences, creating opportunities for multicultural learning that inspire curiosity and connection for staff and students."

Caroline Lynch, Principal of Avery's Creek Elementary

"The Dual Language program is a great program with amazing and passionate teachers. Supporting and collaborating with these teachers has made me a better Instructional Coach. They use a curriculum based around the Science of Reading and incorporate high impact learning strategies. Being in their classrooms and watching their students thrive in a Dual Language environment is truly a privilege as an educator."

Gabrielle Godfrey, ES Instructional Coach